There are too few buttons on the controller, but too many things that should be mapped to them. With reWASD, now you have a chance to add 5x more keys & combos to each and every config. How? Use controller activators!
Activators describe how the button is pressed. You can tap it once — regular thing you used to do always — and get the first mapping activated. You may press and hold it — and a new combo will fire. You may tap the button two or three times to get two new mappings. And finally you can add more actions to Start and Release of each button. And imagine the combination of those 6 ones! That’s totally incredible thing.
We are pretty sure that you use and like Shifts in reWASD. From now, they become much handier. In the previous versions, there was only one mode for Shifts. You had to press and hold the button to switch to the new set of mappings. Now you can use Toggle Shift. To activate it, just press the Shift modifier once. To go back to the main configuration, press it one more time.
Moreover, Shift modifier may include all 6 types of controller activators. No need to reserve the button for Shift modifier: you can press and hold it to switch to the Shift mode and double tap to use for any other action.
We add new functions with each release, and each new function make reWASD a bit more comprehensive. That is why we also work on optimization to make it handier and prettier for you. You will notice how faster it works now for sure. And hope you will find small tips and help links useful ;) We are proud of every small change in reWASD graphical user interface. Hope you will like them too!
You can read long articles about controller activators and Toggle Shift modifiers, but it is much better to try them yourself. Do not hesitate to download the new version and go!